Sunday, November 24, 2013

still be on my feet

Monday, November 18, 2013

musim hujan datang
tapi hujan tidak ada
di taman depan rumah

harus cari satu
hujan yang deras
yang getir

siap-siap meja dan kursi
dan segelas air putih
dibalik jendela

Monday, November 11, 2013

People sometimes say that you must believe in feelings deep inside, otherwise you’d never be confident of things like ‘My wife loves me’. But this is a bad argument. There can be plenty of evidence that somebody loves you. All through the day when you are with somebody who loves you, you see and hear lots of little tidbits of evidence, and they all add up. It isn't purely inside feeling, like the feeling that priests call revelation. There are outside things to back up the inside feeling: looks in the eye, tender notes in the voice, little favors and kindnesses; this is all real evidence.

Richard Dawkins in a letter to his ten-year-old daughter 
